Our Vision
“To nurture and grow the Church Family in Moreton, sharing the message of God’s love through our worship, our pastoral care and our work in the local community.”
We want to be valued as a Church each day of the week with a relevant expression of the Christian message to sustain our activities and worship, helping to meet spiritual and practical community needs in Moreton.
We host a variety of church and community related activities with a strong emphasis on children’s work and a commitment to respond to local needs. Children’s activities include our Sunflowers Baby Art Group, Sunbeams Mums & Tots, Superkids (ages 5-11), Boys Brigade, Girls Union and Wirral Sound Band. As part of our work we run Free Uniform for Primary Schools, helping local families who struggle to clothe their children for school. We are home to a variety of organisations including a local Martial Arts group, a Dance School, the AA, Zumba, and Weight Watchers, and a range of one-off events and activities.
We want to reach out into the community through each of these, strengthening the relationships we have with organisations, individuals and families, identifying and responding to new opportunities to share the Christian message.
We believe we can be a place where the Christian faith is accessible and meaningful to all, through action, teaching and fellowship, and we’re prepared to think differently about how we go about this. We know that our Church must continue to change in many ways.